EverBeautiful by Melody Lesser

Searching for "wrinkles"

Is Where You Live Making You Look Older Than You Are? Learn Your State’s Wrinkle Ranking!

RoC Wrinkle Ranking

Disclosure: These products were provided as a courtesy of RoC Skincare. All thoughts and opinions are my own. (This is standard disclaimer language. Read on for my own, below.) Medical experts agree that there are certain factors that cause us to look older than our chronological age. New York City-based board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Debra Jaliman, […] Read more…

Adult Acne and How to Treat It

Murad Acne Care

Acne is not something that plagues only pre-teens and teens. Adult in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s can experience acne and, while the frustration of acne is the same regardless of one’s age, the treatment is different. Teen acne often appears at puberty and is often due to fluctuating hormones which cause the sebaceous […] Read more…