EverBeautiful by Melody Lesser

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Under-Boob Sweat? It Happens. Here’s Help.

Don't Sweat It Bra Liner

Let’s talk about under-boob sweat, shall we? You know what I’m talking about. It happens to us all, sweat that forms under your breasts and pools at the bottom of your bra. Sometimes it seeps through your clothing leaving you with crescent shaped wet spots under your boobs. It’s uncomfortable and can cause itching, chafing, […] Read more…

Adult Acne and How to Treat It

Murad Acne Care

Acne is not something that plagues only pre-teens and teens. Adult in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s can experience acne and, while the frustration of acne is the same regardless of one’s age, the treatment is different. Teen acne often appears at puberty and is often due to fluctuating hormones which cause the sebaceous […] Read more…