EverBeautiful by Melody Lesser

Searching for "skin"

Is Mandelic Acid the Fountain of Youth?

(And what the heck is Mandelic Acid anyway?) The story reads like something from a Harrison Ford movie, and, if the end results are as satisfying, I’m in. It begins with Dr. Stanley Jacobs, a San Francisco facial cosmetic surgeon and Egyptologist who became intrigued by an ancient Egyptian scroll that had been discovered in […] Read more…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2010

As you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2010. The National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) organization, a partnership of professional medical associations, government agencies and public service organizations that have come together to promote breast cancer awareness and provide greater access to screening services, recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. Much has been done […] Read more…