EverBeautiful by Melody Lesser


The Right to Bare Arms with Tone It Up

arm workout

TONE IT UP – My Second Favorite Site, Next to My Own I discovered the BEST arm workout EVER and I’m excited to share it with you.  It’s from fitness experts Karena Dawn and Katrina Hodgson, founders of Tone It Up who, probably because of their expertise, charisma and popularity – they have tons of followers on […] Read more…

Get the Most from Your Workout with These Tips

working out

Are you working your butt off but not seeing the results you want?  Maybe you’re a victim of bad exercising habits? Or maybe you’re working out without a plan, repeating the same workout every time you hit the gym or are lifting weights that are too light or too heavy? (Um, check, check, check.) This handy […] Read more…