Since I was a kid, I’ve been complimented on my hair. I wore it long and, while I had a lot of it, it was fine and silky. My auburn hair garnered many compliments throughout my life and I was very proud of it. It was easy to manage, despite its length and I never complained about it until I was in my 40s. As many of the readers of know, I suffer from Alopecia Areata (AA), a form of hair loss that results in characteristic bald spots.  My hairstylist discovered it as I sat in his chair. “Darling, you have a spot,” he whispered in my ear and then showed me the dime sized spot at my left temple. I started to cry, so startling was it to see. And it just got larger over the next few days until it was the size of a half dollar. My hair stylist told me to see a doctor who diagnosed Alopecia Areata (AA), an autoimmune disorder that causes bald spots to randomly appear in my scalp, brows and eyelashes.  The treatment is monthly steroid injections directly into my scalp. Yes, they hurt. And, they cause my blood sugar to spike, but they work to reduce the inflammation that causes AA hair loss. After several months of shots, four to six, on average, the hair begins to fill in. When I’m in an alopecia phase, I become so self conscious that I sometimes wear a hat to cover the spot. I used to avoid the hair salon but the people in my salon are so understanding, they color my hair in a private room. Of course, in the general scheme of things, hair loss is not the worst thing in the world. But I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. 

iRestore Laser Hair Growth System
My hair was my crowning glory. Here I am at 16, showing just that.

Several years after discovering my first AA spot, my hair began to thin. It was a slow, insidious process. I’d notice more hair in the shower drain, a widening part and, on sunny days, if I happened to catch my reflection in the mirror, I’d notice the outline of the shape of my scalp. Again, I sought medical help but the answers were not consistent or even forthcoming. “It happens with age,” said one doctor who told me to learn to manage stress better. Others told me that the reasons for general hair thinning are hair care and diet. My AA, while devastating to me, was “fixable” with shots. That was not the case with general and diffuse thinning.

t tried everything to prevent my hair from falling out – and still do. I eat a relatively healthy diet, eschew hair bands and ties which might cause breakage, and, as for stress, well, I have not learned to manage that, as my cortisol levels prove, but stress happens. Not everyone loses hair from it. 

iRestore Laser Hair Growth System
My wonky part before using the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System

One of my doctors told me that hair thinning is a natural result of aging, and to wear a wig. I went wig shopping with a friend, but was not happy with that solution. I became frantic to find something to restore my hair. 

I bought and tried almost every thickening shampoo and scalp treatment on the market. I spent hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars, on hair volumizers and thickeners. I had good success with hair fibers in products like Toppik, which saved my self-confidence on more than one occasion. The (very small) problem with those products is that they sometimes leave a dark mark. I learned this when I discovered a dark smudge on the headrest of my car’s driver seat while driving with a friend. I don’t think she noticed – and it was easy enough to clean, but still …

iRestore Laser Hair Growth System
One of my first times using the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System

My high-spending, years-long quest for hair growth products turned up nothing until last summer when I received an email from a company called iRestore. They wanted me to share information about the brand with the readers of EverBeautiful. iRestore sells a low level laser  therapy devic and several other products including hair growth vitamins, a serum and a shampoo that promise to reduce hair loss. I wrote back immediately asking to try the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System and offering to document my experiences with my readers. You can read about what I refer to as my hair growth journey by clicking on the links in the YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Section at the bottom of this post. Spoiler alert: I grew hair. Let me repeat that because it sounds awesome and incredible at the same time. I grew hair! 

The first thing I did was to use the iRestore Hair Growth Shampoo. If I could give this stuff as a gift to every person who watches as their hair goes down the drain when they wash it, I would. It’s that good. Have you ever noticed that you lose hair as summer changes to fall? It’s not your imagination. It’s a thing. My cats shed more as the seasons change and so, sadly, do humans. But the very first time I used the iRestore Hair Growth Shampoo, I noticed that there was no hair loss. That is incredible because just a few weeks before, I had to have a plumber come to the house to snake my drain. The wad of hair he pulled out of the shower drain nauseated me. If only I had those hairs on my head … I have been using the iRestore Hair Growth Shampoo for almost a year now and, since using it, I have never had to pull hair from my drain. 

Human beings lose about 100 to 150 hairs every single day. If you don’t brush your hair regularly (and people who suffer from hair loss don’t, typically) and don’t wash your hair every day, when you do, it might seem like there are a lot more than 150 hairs in the drain. I don’t know how the iRestore Hair Growth Shampoo works, but it keeps the hair in my head and not on the shower floor. As far as I’m concerned, I need never use another shampoo, ever. 

As for the helmet, I have a little red mark on my temple that stood out to me because there was no hair to cover it. I decided to use that as a barometer for my hair growth using iRestore. I’d check that little mark every few weeks until, one day, I noticed that it wasn’t as visible as it had been. There was hair growing around it, covering it up! I was growing hair. How about that? 

I took this photo in the hair salon a couple of months ago.  I stopped looking in the salon’s mirror after my first AA spot. This mirror reflection caught me by surprise. My hair stylist had just parted my hair in preparation to cut it and I looked up. I was shocked to see that my wonky, wide part was straight and narrow. I’d been using the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System for several months at this point.

I have been going to the same hair salon for years. In the past few years, I’ve been having my hair colored every four or five weeks. My hair salon knows of my Alopecia. In fact, my colorist has been the one to discover a growing spot. I didn’t tell her I was using the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System for my general thinning, but after a couple of months of using it, she asked me what I was doing to my hair. My hair felt thicker and fuller, she said. It was heavier and there was no question that there was more of it. I told her about iRestore and, several months later, she asked me to send her the links to my iRestore posts so she could share them with customers who were experiencing general hair loss as I had. I was happy to do it and I hope they got the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System and that it helped them as it had me.

Note: iRestore does not restore hair lost from Alopecia Areata. I’m not certain about this, but I believe the most helpful – and perhaps the only – treatment for AA is steroid shots. However, the iRestore is specifically intended – and FDA cleared – to treat androgenic alopecia, which is genetic hair loss.  

A word about Propecia. Of course I tried it for my diffuse thinning. I tried everything. It worked for a bit, but I developed a rather severe allergic reaction to it and it burned my scalp. It also made my hair greasy. And then there was the issue of applying chemicals to my scalp on a daily basis. I stopped using it and that’s when I started using cosmetic fixes for my hair loss. 

iRestore Laser Hair Growth System
Part of the family of iRestore Laser Hair Growth System Products. Missing are the iRestore Hair Gummies

But, with iRestore, I’ve put away the hair fibers, the gray-covering waxes and powders that I used to use to cover my widening part and separating hair. (I still, however, use these things to cover an alopecia spot.) 

iRestore Laser Hair Growth System
And here are the iRestore Hair Gummies!

Now that my journey with the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System has come to a successful end, I want to shout about it. I was in the nail salon the other day, sitting behind a woman who was about my age. I couldn’t help but notice that her hair separated at the back of her head, revealing several wide parts and see-through hair, the classic signs of diffuse thinning. I so wanted to tell her about iRestore, but I didn’t know her and didn’t want to say anything to insult her or make her self conscious. Maybe she doesn’t know. Maybe she doesn’t care. But, if she does, I hope she reads this post. I hope she discovers the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System and grows hair like I did. As far as I know, the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System, is the best way to grow hair naturally, painlessly, without surgical or chemical intervention. I know it’s expensive. But use the code code below and save on your purchase of an iRestore Laser Hair Growth System. It’s one of the best things I ever did for myself – and will continue to do.

To get your own iRestore Laser Hair Growth System or any of the attendant products such as the shampoo, visit their website. And use code ML150 at checkout to receive $150 off on the laser device made through the iRestore website.


100 Percent of iRestore Laser Hair Growth System Users Grew Hair!

I’m Growing Hair with the iRestore Laser Hair Growth System

iRestore Introduces Hair Gummy Vitamins!






6 Comments on iRestore Laser Hair Growth System Gave Me Back My Confidence

  1. Your hair story is very similar to mine and this article gives me so much hope. Would you say that the irestore helped to improved your Alopecia Areata at all? I saw your disclaimer, but I was curious after all this time if you have seen any improvement?
    Thanks for this article!!

  2. Hi Cassie! Thank you so much for finding me on the internet and for writing. I cannot say equivocally that the iRestore laser hair growth system helped with AA. I get shots for the AA from my dermatologist so cannot attribute growth to the iRestore laser helmet. I wish you all the best and hope that the last spot you had is the last spot ever. Warm regards, Melody

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