I received a complimentary AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Care Circulator in exchange for an honest review. The following is just that – my honest opinion. I wouldn’t have it any other way and I know that you wouldn’t want it any other way either.
Yes, this device might replace my husband! Get your minds out of the gutter! That’s not what I meant! This is what I meant …
For the past year, I’ve been walking at least 10,000 steps per day. On some days, I walk 15,000+ steps. It’s a lot, I know. My feet hurt. My legs get tired. I want nothing more than a foot and leg massage at the end of the day and who better to do that than, you got it, my adoring husband? But, he’s busy too and at the end of his long day isn’t always in the mood to rub my aching feet and tired legs. (I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why not, but that’s the way it is. He’s got better things to do.)
I’ve invested in nubby foot pads that I’m supposed to step on to simulate a foot massage. I also bought little balls that I tie to the bottoms of my feet which, the idea is, when I rock my foot back and forth, will erase pain and give me a massage. (They’re meh.) I would very much like to visit my manicurist on a daily basis for a foot and lower leg massage. She is the best, but that would be expensive and the prospect is unrealistic. So, what, or rather, who is left? My husband! But he can’t be counted on to rub my feet and legs for hours on end. What’s a suffering soul to do?
Well, I found a replacement for my husband! I won’t be needing his rather sporadic services any longer. I got me an AccuRelief ACRL-5500 Ultimate Foot Circulator by Carex Health Brands, a leader in Home HealthCare Mobility, Bath Safety and Personal Care products that improve quality of life. What’s an AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator, you ask. (I’m gonna crib from the company to properly answer that for you.) “The AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator is an advanced electrical stimulator for home, work or travel. This powerful device delivers prescription-strength relief by relaxing stiff muscles, increasing blood circulation …, reduces swollen feet and ankles to help you get back to a normal activity level.”
The science behind the AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator is EMS or electrical muscle stimulation which, according to many health care practitioners, is a proven solution for treating muscular injuries. It stimulates the muscles with electronic pulses to passively exercise them and to also increase circulation, according to literature from Carex. This is provided by two large foot pads to stimulate the soles of the feet. It also stimulates the lower leg muscles, I can attest. The user can adjust the level of stimulation to his or her preference with the included remote. But ithe AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator is more than just a tool to soothe aching feet and legs. The device also has the capability to stimulate the muscles of the body through the use of gel pads and electrodes that hook up to it. It’s like the TENS machine at the orthopedist’s office that’s used to reduce or eliminate pain. (Some of you may know about that from your own experiences.)

I haven’t tried the body component yet but I’ve placed my feet on the foot pads, turned on the remote and yowza! My husband came running up the steps to the bedroom the first time I tried it because I was doing a spot on imitation of Meg Ryan’s character in the restaurant scene from When Harry Met Sally. Not kidding. It feel that good. It’s not a massage. It’s something … else. I can’t quite describe the sensation. It’s sort of like a tingling that I feel deep in my lower legs and that results in a muscle contraction that actually causes my legs to raise and lower involuntarily. It’s quite interesting and pleasant. Please note that everyone is different and will feel the impulses at different settings. I must have a seriously high tolerance because I bumped it up to 25 the first time I tried it. (The device goes from Level 1 to a maximum of 99.) You can also set a timer for from 1 to 99 minutes. I like to do it for 30 minutes. I get the benefits – temporarily increased circulation in my feet and lower legs, reduction of swelling due to my excessive walking, muscle relaxation and a lovely leg stimulation/massage sort of thing – from that duration.
Because the AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator uses EMS, there are contraindications, including for those with a Pacemaker, who are or may be pregnant and who have deep vein thrombosis. If you want to read about the device, how it works and any contraindications, download the User Manual here.

The AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator is not a toy and should not be treated as such. It’s serious business with the ability to help when used properly. I have a bad back, as many of my regular readers know. I haven’t tried the device for that yet but I can’t wait to do so. In the meantime, I’m happy letting the AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator go to town on my feet and lower legs. The husband? Well, I’ve got other things in mind for him. (Now, now. Of course, I mean vacuuming!)
Want to try the AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator? Get it below:
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Great article. Gotta go vacuum now.
Haha! I love you! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
WONDERFUL write!!! Great approach! Sooo interesting and motivating. Much love to you and irreplaceable Charlie.
Thank you! It was fun to write because the device is great. I use it twice a day! Energizes my legs and it may be helping my heel pain too! xo