SereniTea Liquid Organic Tea Packets

Have you heard about SereniTea? It’s a liquid, organic, concentrated tea that comes in ultra-convenient little packets that you can carry with you. Pour one into your bottled water and, voila, you’ve got the equivalent of a brewed glass of organic green tea. It contains zero carbs, zero calories, requires no brewing or steeping and is loaded with flavor. Water? Not so much flavor and although I often have a water bottle with me, I’d rather drink something that I can taste. Sure, there are artificial powdery mixes on the market – but they taste chemically and, in my opinion, can’t beat a glass of tea. Nothing quenches your thirst like a glass of iced tea or soothes jangled nerves like a cup of hot tea. SereniTea is a healthy alternative to those chemical-laden to-go powders and can be drunk hot or cold.

I received a box of SereniTea Liquid Organic Green Tea packets from a company representative and enlisted the help of a friend with whom I had a pre-arranged lunch appointment to give it a taste test. There are eight varieties of SereniTea organic green decaffeinated teas including sweetened and unsweetened varieties of lemon, peach, green and raspberry. I received the Sucralose-sweetened lemon flavor.

Back to my lunch. My friend was already seated when I got to the restaurant. In front of her was a tall glass of iced tea and two empty packets of artificial sweetener. Perfect, we would do a side by side taste test. Our server brought two additional glasses of iced water and I presented the packets of SereniTea. We tore them open and poured them into our iced water. The SereniTea is a liquid – no mixing required. It dissolved instantly in our iced water with no powdery yuck to float on top of the glass. And the taste packed a punch. In all honesty, I don’t use sweeteners of any kind and am not used to their flavor. While the tea tasted fresh and had a nice lemony tang, I would have preferred the unsweetened variety. My friend, who had used two packs of sweetener in the iced tea she ordered before I got to the restaurant, didn’t mind the sweetness at all. We both agreed that not only is SereniTea a great idea, the flavor held up to the brewed variety.

SereniTea is a California based company and is the first to create a line of USDA-certified-organic tea extract on-the-go packets. SereniTea is completely vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free and is loaded with antioxidants.

I think it’s a great alternative to artificial (and artificial-tasting) on-the-go powdered drinks and I’ll be packing some in my handbags and gym bag.

SereniTea comes 15 liquid packets to a box which sells for $7.39. It’s available at Southern California and Las Vegas Albertsons and Stater Brothers locations, as well as various stores across the US. But, don’t fret if you can’t find it at a location near you. You can buy SereniTea on their website:

Here’s to your health …


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