The right products are only part of the process to insure proper protection from harmful summer rays. Are you covering all the bases? Sunburn not only affects common areas like legs and arms — it burns its mark where you least expect it.

Dr.  Sandra Lee, a board certified dermatologist and member of the American Academy of Dermatology, the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and the American Society for Mohs Surgery, put together a list of the top six areas people tend to neglect when prepping for the sun.


6. Feet

Sunburned feet can leave you “sole”-less, unable to even don a pair of shoes.  Make sure to apply sunscreen to all areas of your feet.

5. Backs of Hands

It is vital to protect your hands during the summertime, an area you may forget to tend to when stepping out into the sun.  Opt for a lotion that contains SPF 15 to 30 to protect and hydrate your hands.

4. Ears

Don’t forget to protect your ears when applying sunscreen to your face. The skin on your ears is sensitive and delicate, and the tops of your ears are particularly susceptible to the sun’s rays. For additional coverage, throw on a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face and ears.

3. Chest/Neck

Avoid “breases”, the vertical creases that can occur on your chest from sun damage and excess sun exposure.  The skin on your neck and chest is exposed to the same amount of sun as your face, and in order to prevent any damage, it needs just as much attention. The skin on your neck and chest is thin, so generously apply sunscreen in those two often-ignored areas.

2. Lips

Before applying your favorite lip gloss, be sure to apply lipstick containing SPF 15 or above to protect the lips. Slip the lipstick in your bag and apply regularly throughout the day to avoid sun damage.

1. Scalp

As the sun beams down over your head, it is an important to note the #1 overlooked area that requires protection from the sun — your scalp. Have you ever ended up leaving the beach and feeling like your head was on fire? Since you don’t want to apply sunscreen over your hair – and a hat may not be your favorite option, grab a favorite scarf and tie it around your head like a bandana. Another option would be to use a sunscreen spray, spray it on your fingertips and use your fingers to apply this liquid to your part in your hair, the area of your scalp most susceptible to sunburn.

For more on sun protection products, click here.

Sun safely!


4 Comments on Six Overlooked Places To Apply Sunscreen for Complete Sun Protection

  1. I am more careful about applying sunscreen. I never thought about covering my ears until several golfer friends experienced skin cancer. It is great to see you educationing people with the need for sunscreen.

  2. I’m religious about my hands now!
    Even for walking, Brown spots are hard to get rid of. Great new high SPF sunscreen avail for sports and longer wearing. We all need to make this another daily ritual.

  3. You are so right Sandi! Hands show age quickly too. And nothing ages faster than the sun. I used to neglect my hands. They’re in water throughout the day and I’d forget to reapply sunscreen. Now, I’m much more conscientious about it. Thanks so much for your comment! It’s a great reminder …

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