The holiday season is upon us. Thanksgiving, also known as “The Great American Pig Out” is around the corner as the season of eating (and drinking) begins.

Holiday feasting is difficult for me to resist. I adore gooey pies fresh from the oven, sweet potatoes topped with melted marshmallows, holiday cookies and chocolate in any form. These goodies do not mesh well with my calendar of  wedding invitations, baby showers and milestone birthday parties. I want to be able to fit into my clothing for these upcoming events – but holiday feasts, get togethers and my own lack of willpower conspire to prevent me from doing that.

We all know the dangers of too much sugar in our diet. It causes us to not only be sluggish and overweight but many health experts say it can cause insulin resistance, a leading driver of metabolic diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

JJ Virgin

Enter JJ Virgin, bestselling author and celebrity fitness and nutrition expert whose latest book, JJ VIRGIN’S THE SUGAR IMPACT DIET, tells us how to eliminate “bad” sugar and replace it with healthier sources in order to feel better and lose weight at the same time. Here, some of her tips …

1. Don’t arrive at social functions hungry. Have a protein shake or a light meal before you arrive, since nothing ever starts on time and you’re more likely to reach for whatever sugary concoction is nearby if you’re hungry.

2. Keep a purse or iPhone in one hand and a mineral water in the other. You’re far less likely to reach for whatever sugary appetizer your server offers you.

3. If you must indulge, have three polite bites and step away from the dessert.

4. Eat the healthy stuff first. Load up on lean protein, healthy fats, and lots of fiber-rich foods like veggies and legumes.

5. Watch your alcohol. If you drink, stick with dry wine or tequila. Don’t turn your drink into dessert: the alcohol/ sugar combo is a guaranteed fat storer.

6. Write down everything you eat and drink. One study found people who wrote down what they consumed lost twice as much weight as those who didn’t. Especially around the holidays, keeping a food journal can hold you accountable.

7. Hire a one-on-one coach. During the “let it all go” season, many nutritionists are under-booked. Take advantage of that and have an accountability expert who holds you responsible during the holidays.

8. Prioritize exercise. Just because the mall has a one-day sale does not give you permission to blow off your workout.

9. Ditto sleep. Just one night of crappy sleep can knock numerous fat-regulating hormones out of balance.

10. Look for non-food gratification. Ever notice pretty much everything around the holidays revolves around food? Change that by calling someone and thanking them, taking a yoga class or walking your dog around the block.

Top 10 Sugar Swaps

Keep in mind all carbohydrates eventually break down into sugar in your body.

Swap your … For…

Milk chocolate for 85% dark chocolate

Ice cream for No-sugar-added coconut ice cream

Artificial sweeteners for Stevia, monk fruit, or erythritol

Corn chips for Kale chips

Candy bar for Apple or celery slices with almond butter

Potato chips for Slow roasted or dehydrated almonds

Wheat wraps for Gluten-free rice wrap or coconut wrap

Pasta noodles for No-corn quinoa pasta

Soda or diet soda for Mineral water with lemon or lime

Fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt for Unsweetened Greek yogurt with frozen berries (if you’re not dairy intolerant).

Want to learn more about the dangers of sugar? Get her book, JJ VIRGIN’S SUGAR IMPACT DIET: Drop 7 Sugars to Lose Up to 10 Pounds in Just 2 Weeks here:

Get JJ Virgin’s other bestsellers below:


Sugar: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Dining Out Blues by Harriet Posnak Lesser

Five Foods to Flatten Your Belly Plus the Benefits of Water

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